Thursday, July 9, 2009

Who Is Jackson And Why Did He Ruin My Party??!

The party was awesome, I mean, everyone was there. There was that guy from that movie, and that girl from the music video, and that other guy. Really. There's nothing like a Jet-Setter's party. Nothing in the world. Nothing... in... OKAY OKAY nobody came. It was a graveyard. They were all at this stupid funeral. Who's this Jackson anyway? Did he ever own an island? Huh? HUH?? And if he did, I bet he never named it Ted. They'll see what they missed. Next week it's my birthday, and I'm inviting ALL my Viva Swag friends, and NONE of the rich celebrities. Yeah, see how they take it. They'll be sorry. And so will Jackson.

Speaking of sorry, I'm gonna make sure Rico takes back what he said about me. What's he got against trainers anyway? You don't get anywhere without practice, and that's just what my trainer is for. That, and to tell me what a great job I'm doing. He'll see. He can't compete with a descendant of Zeus himself. We're going on an exploratory trip around my island. With my trusty Magellan Professional GPS, I'll know right where I am the whole time. See, look at it. It looks like you're looking down from a satellite or something! You can see all the little cities and buildings all laid out like on one of those little globes. Rico has no sense of direction. He'll have to depend on me and my GPS. That'll teach him. Come Saturday, it's on. Or... yeah. The GPS. On. You know, the on button. Yeah.

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