I've decided. I've decided Rico doesn't know what he's talking about when he says anything. First he spouts off that I kidnapped Kip, my best friend, and locked him up somewhere. I still can't believe he landed me in jail for a few weeks. Then he starts saying things about Fredrica. That he'd even think she has guilt to run off. He's obviously blind, he doesn't see how beau... I mean... yeah she looks okay. So... so lay off, Rico! Just because some two bit magazine put you on the front cover for a month doesn't give you the right to mouth off about Fredrica. You know what? You're fired. I don't want salsa lessons from you anymore. Take that.
What I want is some more of Fredrica's cooking. I've never had anything like it. I have all my chefs work from her recipes, but they can't get it just right like she can. The other day, I had them make the Swordfish Steaks I saw in her CAVE, but the taste was just... just off. I don't know how else to describe it. Something was missing. Same with the lobster tail I tried the day before that. I've offered her full-time positions as my chef, but she loves her restaurant too much to leave it. It's too bad, I mean, she's really sweet and pretty and... and... um...
I still have the cheese. Don't laugh at me.